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“海外学术大师讲坛”第十四期讲座预告:美国数学会(AMS)会士、美国范德堡大学Mark Ellingham教授——具有欧拉面的可定向嵌入


“海外学术大师讲坛”第十四期邀请到了美国数学会(AMS)会士、美国范德堡大学Mark Ellingham教授为师生们开讲。在讲座中Mark Ellingham教授将介绍其在组合图论方面的最新研究成果。讲座将在线上展开,欢迎各位师生莅临参与!

主讲人:Prof.Mark Ellingham

主持人:刘文忠 副教授

报告题目:Orientable Embeddings with Eulerian Faces

报告时间:2022年11月3日 9:00-11:00

报告地点:ZOOM 会议号:982 5307 6490



Embeddings with faces bounded by euler circuits arise in several situations, such as building DNA models of graphs that can be scanned easily, and finding maximum genus orientable directed embeddings of digraphs.  We discuss results on the existence of such embeddings.  First, graphs (or eulerian digraphs) where all vertices have degree congruent to 2 mod 4 have an orientable embedding with two euler circuit faces.  Second, n-vertex eulerian graphs (or digraphs) where all vertices have at least (4n+2)/5 distinct neighbours also have such an embedding.  We discuss some of the ideas used in the proofs of these results and some extensions and related results. This is joint work with Jo Ellis-Monaghan of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherland


Mark Ellingham, 美国范德堡大学数学系副主任,教授,博士生导师。现任美国数学会(AMS)会士; 组合领域顶级期刊J. Combinatorial Theory Series B原执行编辑。目前在包括J. London Math. Soc.;J. Combinatorial Theory Series B;Combinatorica;J. Graph Theory;SIAM J. Discrete Math;European J. Combinatorics 等在内的国际期刊上发表学术论文80余篇;主持美国各类基金项目十多项;应邀在组合领域各类重要学术会议上作学术报告40余次。

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